Prolonged and intense rainfall since September, 2019  has caused flooding and rising water levels in lakes, rivers and some low-lying areas in the country.

The Ministry of Water and Environment has noted that the water level of Lake Albert has been rising rapidly and continuously and that this water level had surpassed the 1964 maximum level of 14.20 metres as at 11th November, 2020.

Reports by several media outlets have indicated that the oil wells in the Albertine Graben are now submerged and pose a danger of oil spillage.  This is not correct because the zones which contain oil in the different wells, which have been drilled to date, were plugged and sealed off to ensure non leakage of oil from these zones. There is, therefore, no danger of oil in these zones leaking, given these precautionary measures which were put in place.  In addition, these zones with oil lie hundreds of meters below the surface. The mark stones which are used to show the location of the different wells may be submerged, but this does not create a danger of oil spillage from these wells.  The technology of plugging and sealing zones of oil in wells is both well established and well tested around the world.

The PAU is continuing to monitor all well sites on a regular basis, including overseeing the detailed annual well integrity checks undertaken by the licenced oil companies. This is being done with a view to ensure the safety of all oil and gas facilities together with that of the surrounding environment and communities.

The Authority is also working with the licensed oil companies to continuously evaluate the situation, and ensure that any mitigation measures which may be required are implemented.

For more information, please contact: Ms. Gloria Sebikari, Manager, Corporate Affairs and Public Relations on email or phone 0752 628754