Expression of Interest for the provision of Agricultural support services under Tilenga RAPs2-5
TOTAL E&P UGANDA LIMITED an Oil and Gas exploration and production company (in its capacity as the Operator of Contract Area 1 and License Area 2 North referred to as ‘’Company’’, invites experienced and reputable contractors to express their interest in providing Agricultural Support Services as part of the Tilenga Project’s Resettlement Action Plans 2-5 […]
Request for Expression of interest for the provision of technical assistance services
TOTAL E&P UGANDA B.V (COMPANY) in its capacity as Operator of Contract Area (CA) 1 and License Area (LA) 2, in conjunction with its Joint Venture partner(s), invites experienced and reputable Companies to express interest in Provision of Technical Assistances Services to support COMPANY Operations. Interested companies that meet the minimum requirements stated above should submit a request by […]
Expression of Interest for Resettlement Action Plan Implementation valuation services for the EACOP Project in Uganda
TOTAL East Africa Midstream B.V Company Uganda, an Oil and Gas Company requires the services of an experienced and reputable company to provide valuation services during the implementation of the Resettlement Action Plan for the East African Crude Oil Pipeline project. Interested companies with the capacity to provide the above services are invited to send […]
Expression of Interest for Social and Relocation Support Services for the EACOP Project in Uganda
TOTAL East Africa Midstream B.V. (COMPANY) Uganda, an Oil and Gas company, requires the services of experienced and reputable companies to provide social and relocation support to households affected by land requirements for the East African Crude Oil Pipeline (EACOP) Project. Interested companies which have the capacity to provide the services listed above should express […]
Expression of Interest (EOI) for the Supply of Replacement Houses for the EACOP Project In Uganda Reference: 10006492
TOTAL East Africa Midstream B.V. (Company) Uganda, an Oil and Gas company, requires the services of an experienced and reputable CONTRACTOR for the design and construction of Replacement houses in support of the Resettlement Action Plan (RAP) component of the East African Crude Oil Pipeline (EACOP) Project. Interested companies which have the capacity to provide […]
Expression of Interest Camp Catering and Hospitality Services Reference: 10006567
TOTAL E&P UGANDA B.V (COMPANY) in its capacity as Operator of Contract Area (CA) 1 and License Area (LA) 2, in conjunction with its Joint Venture partner(s), invites experienced and reputable Ugandan Companies to express interest in Provision of Camp Catering and Hospitality Services to support COMPANY Operations. Interested companies who meet the minimum requirements […]
Expression of Interest for the Provision of Bank Accounts Opening and Management Services for Project Affected Persons – REF 10005402
TOTAL East Africa Midstream B.V. (Company) Uganda, an Oil and Gas company, invites experienced and reputable Companies to express their interest in providing the services necessary for the opening of bank accounts for those entitled to receive compensation as well as management of monetary compensation payments for the East African Crude Oil Pipeline (EACOP) Project. […]
Expression of Interest for Buliisa Camp Maintenance and Management Services, Reference: 10006550
TOTAL E&P UGANDA B.V (Company) in its capacity as Operator of Contract Area (CA) 1 and License Area (LA) 2, in conjunction with its joint venture partner(s), invites experienced and reputable Camp Facilities Management Companies to express interest in provision of services for Buliisa camp refurbishment/upgrade, maintenance, catering and hospitality and management to support our […]
Expression of Interest for Camp Facilities & Equipment Rental Services, Ref No 10006566
TOTAL E&P UGANDA B.V (COMPANY) in its capacity as Operator of Contract Area (CA) 1 and License Area (LA) 2, in conjunction with its Joint Venture partner(s), invites experienced and reputable Ugandan Companies to express interest for the provision of Camp Facilities & Equipment Rental Services to support COMPANY Operations. Interested companies who meet the […]
The National Supplier Database for the Oil and Gas Sector
The Petroleum Authority (PAU) of Uganda is mandated to establish a central database of Persons involved in petroleum activities in Uganda. The Authority has undertaken this obligation since 2017, by establishing a National Supplier Database (NSD). The PAU hereby invites new applicants to the NSD 2021. Companies and Persons who applied in 2020 do not have to reapply. […]