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- Create Date January 30, 2023
- Last Updated January 30, 2023
Call for participants to attend a Suppliers' Development Workshop by Armour Energy Uganda Limited
Armour Energy (Uganda), an Oil and Gas Exploration company, licensed to undertake exploration activities in the Kanywataba license area in Ntoroko District, in Uganda, invites current and potential suppliers to the Oil and Gas industry, especially the local Ugandan suppliers of goods and services to a half day Suppliers’ Development Workshop on 10th February 2023 at the Serena Hotel.
Please confirm your attendance, by sending in the name of the participant to
Armour Energy Uganda Limited
Sia Amara Plaza,
Block2 F/08,
Plot 20-24 Spring Road,
Bugolobi, Kampala.
P.O.Box 114259
Kampala GPO - Uganda
or by email to
VNakakaawa@armourenergy.com.au ; by the Tuesday 7th February 2023.