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  • Create Date November 1, 2021
  • Last Updated November 1, 2021

Upgrading Health Safety and Environment (HSE) Practices and Standards in 30 selected Ugandan Enterprises

The Employment and Skills for Development in Africa (E4D) program is an innovative skills and supplier development. The program which operates in six countries: Uganda, Ghana, Kenya, Tanzania, Mozambique, and South Africa was funded by the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ), the Norwegian Agency for Development Cooperation (NORAD), the European Union (EU) as well as various other co-financers and is implemented by Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH sets out key activities geared towards skilling of labor and promoting local enterprise development. This is done with motive to mitigate the challenges faced by local workforces and companies in these countries i.e., they often lack skills required by international investors, hindering their ability to gain employment and compete favorably.

As part of its support to Ugandan enterprises, the GIZ Employment and Skills for Eastern Africa (E4D) program through Smart Compliance Limited and Uganda National Bureau of Standards invite applicants from Ugandan companies to participate in a fully sponsored project for Upgrading HSE practices for companies to meet the requirements of ISO 45001:2018 Occupational Health and Safety Management System. The project shall cover training, management system implementation support and certification
for 30 selected companies.
• Two people from each participating company shall be equipped with an in-depth understanding of
ISO 45001:2018 Occupational Health and Safety Management System
• The project also has a coaching and mentorship component that will enable mentorship on the
practical implementation of the standard requirements in relation to each organization’s operation.
• The participating 30 companies shall undergo certification by Uganda National Bureau of
Standards against ISO 45001:2018 Standard.

How To Enroll:
All interested Ugandan companies registered on the Oil and Gas National Supplier Database and with PPDA can apply. The project shall be implemented from 19th October 2021 to 30th June 2022 Selected companies shall be required to deposit an amount of UGX 800,000 that shall be refunded within 2 weeks after successful completion of the project
To apply:
Follow the link below to apply;
Application deadline is 11th November 2021 and the planned date to commence the training is 1st December 2021