- The Directorate of Exploration carries out the mandate of the PAU as provided for by the
Petroleum (Exploration, Development and Production) Act, 2013; Sections 10 (1) and 10
- Contributes to the PAU’s Strategic Pillar number two (2) of Enabling Exploration to increase the Resource base.
- The deliverables from the Directorate of Exploration are achieved through the following three corporate goals:
1) Achieve a well-regulated and managed Exploration regime.
Under this goal, the Directorate’s strategic objectives are:
- a) To ensure compliance of Exploration Licensees to the legal framework
- b) To ensure petroleum operations are monitored
- c) To ensure a regulatory regime that attracts investment into the sector
2) Ensure the petroleum potential of licensed blocks is fully evaluated.
Under this goal, the Directorate’s strategic objectives are:
- a) To ensure that data required to evaluate each block is acquired and managed
- b) To ensure that all the data acquired in each block is interpreted and prospects and leads identified
- c) To ensure timely evaluation of prospects and leads
3) Advise the Minister in order to achieve efficient licensing
Under this goal, the Directorate’s strategic objectives are:
- a) To review and ensure Production Sharing Agreements (PSAs) and Field Development
Plans (FDPs) that create value for the country
- b) To emphasise minimum work program that fully evaluates each block
- c) To ensure competition in licensing
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- The functions and objectives of the Directorate of Exploration
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